Ep. 5: Cruelty is Better in Bulk

This week Dan and Emily are reliving the past, tackling questions from Quora, and laughing at ridiculous laws.


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Hey, everyone, welcome back to My Kajiggers with Dan and Emily. This week, we're taking a trip down memory lane, answering questions from Quora and poking some fun at weird laws from around the U.S..

I'm Dan. And with me is my co-host and pal Emily.

Hey, guys. How's it going? Going great. We finally launched the podcast.

I know. I'm so excited. Yes.

Thank you for everybody that listened. This is our first episode of recording after actually releasing. It's really great to finally have it out in the wild and getting some positive feedback.

Yeah, I've gotten from a lot of our friends good feedback and people are genuinely excited and that makes me feel good.

Yeah. And to our one listener in Frankfurt, Germany, I just want to say, Ola Como Stass, a real there's somebody in Germany that listen.

Yeah. I realize that's not German, but that's the extent of foreign language that I know. So I'm reaching out to you in the best way possible.

I would tell you hello in German, but I just started phrases so I'm pretty sure German for hello is ninety loved balloons.

I could be wrong. I like that song. Moving on a little bit of an update from, I think our very first episode. We recorded the deal with Spider-Man between Disney and Sony. They finally reached a deal. I'm so excited.

Me too. It looks like it's a very short term deal. Everything I'm seeing is it's one more Spider-Man movie produced by Marvel, and he's going to make one additional appearance in a different Marvel movie. But I really love that they were able to work out some kind of deal.

So what happens after that then? Is there any more Spider-Man and the Marvel Universe or is that like this is at the end of Tom Holland's Spider-Man?

I think Sony is probably going to continue making with Tom Holland, OK, but I'm hoping they'll be able to work out another deal, although I think they would be wise to in these next couple of movies, downplay the connection he has to the Marvel Universe and make it a little easier to transition and explain why isn't he referencing any of this other stuff going on anymore?

Yeah, I was wondering because, you know, Marvel can make like 80 Iron Man movies, but they only have so many of all the others.

I'm hoping that the one Marvel appearance that he's allowed to make outside of the next Spider-Man movie is in the Doctor Strange movie, because I really loved his interplay with Benedict Cumberbatch. Also, I love watching the interviews with Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland, because Tom Holland is notorious for letting secrets loose and for whatever reason, they have decided to just partner him up with Benedict Cumberbatch as like his chaperone to keep him from opening his mouth. That is very good. I love it. They just keep getting partnered up in interviews like that. And every time he starts to say something or even if somebody asks Tom Holland a question, that could potentially be a spoiler. But it co-investors like, I'll take that question.

Yeah, he's a kid. He's just a normal kid. And like, it's so cool how genuinely excited that he gets. Like, you know, regular stars are very composed and they know how to answer it. But like, he is a genuinely excited person and he wants everybody else to be as excited as he is.

It's very endearing. And I think it carries over to the way he plays Peter Parker, just like he's in all of everything going on around him. I'm so excited about this. Also this week, the Joker movies finally coming out. Hey, wait, have you been following any of the controversy going on with this movie? No. Apparently, there's concern that the nature of the movie and the violence of the character and the sympathetic portrayal of his origins could empower different groups of like homegrown terrorists. In fact, the U.S. military has issued a warning to service members that there's a lot of chatter going on on the Internet and like in cell groups and stuff and disillusions for animals. Yeah, that there might be an attack. Some people are getting mad at the movie studio and the producers like, why did you make this movie? I think that's so ridiculous.

Like, you can't get mad at them for portraying. OK, so this Joker movie, is it written more to follow the comic book origin of the Joker?

No, it's they're largely just taking inspiration for the character, like doing their own thing, from what I hear.

Ok, because I mean, I do see references of like the way he became the Joker or like the inspiration they take in, like we're going to spin it this way.

Well, I think what they're just doing is kind of taking inspiration from. Older movies like Taxi Driver and just portraying him as a weak, disillusioned male, and he finds his own power by turning to violence and all these other horrible things. And I can see how that might inspire people who are bent that way. But I don't think you can blame a film unless they're outright going out and saying, hey, if you like this movie, go shoot some people.

You know, I've seen a lot more violent movies that don't get safeguarded like that. Like there is a lot of other movies out there that could probably potentially be worse off than this. People just want something to bitch about.

Yeah, I don't think you can blame Art for how people take it. I mean, people anybody that's going to do something like that, like a mass shooting or whatever, something is going to push them off the edge. Either way, they're already a little nuts.

That'll have to be another topic that really just fucking grinds my gears. Another time is OK. People who take art the wrong way, we're actually at another episode.

Ok, yeah. One last thing on the Joker, they have announced it will not be showing at the Aurora theater where the other shooting happened, where the guy claimed to be the Joker. I get that. I get that. But that would definitely be a sore point. And I think that's a wise decision. I don't think history would repeat itself, but you got to be sensitive in those cases. Yeah. Moving on to our next topic. I thought we could discuss memories in life that we wish we could go back and relive. Not in a hey, I'm going to go back in time and change this, fix a mistake, just special moments that you wish you could just reexperience for the very first time.

You got one. I do. But I do have a warning for one of mine. It is a little sad. OK, that's fine. So my first one is not the sad one, but it's kindergarten grandparents day because. Well, I guess it is a little sad because I was the last grandparents day that I got with my grandpa. So it's a little bit. But but it was like one of those memories that I don't have a lot of memories of, and it's just pictures. But like, I vaguely remember them being able to come in and my grandparents are a great thing.

Yeah, my first one is actually not something I remember. It's something I wish I remembered. And it is seeing snow for the first time. Oh, that would be that's a good one. I mean, living in the Midwest, you're guaranteed snow at least some point every year. And I love snow and it's magical as an adult. It's a serious pain in the ass. Yeah. Because you got to get to work. But I remember being in college and seeing students that came from other states and the first snowfall, they would just lose their minds because obviously there almost no snow is, but they literally never seeing snow.

That's my brother's girlfriend. She lived in Florida her whole life and has never seen snow.

Yeah, I wish I could experience that for the first time again because I just don't remember what it was like to see snow falling for the first time and being, hey, what's this? Yeah, I think that would be magical.

That would be my next one is to relive my very first concert. So since I was 15, I've been to at least 30 concerts and my very first concert was called the Bamboozle Roadshow and it played at Six Flags. And just being there to experience my first summer concert, it was an all day several bands. It was really cool. And then the next year I got to go to my first Warped Tour and that was amazing. Such an amazing experience. And it sucks that water has disbanded. But going to my first one of each of those and bamboozles and nothing anymore either. But like going to each of those for the first time was is what got me into continuously going to concerts. And I try to go to at least two or three year high school.

My next one. It's funny you mention Six Flags because I wish I could experience Six Flags for the first time.

See, I have to disagree with you because I don't like rides.

Well, OK, that is its own issue. I loved rides as a kid. As I've gotten older, I get motion sickness.

Yes, that is my problem in theory.

I love the thrill of going on roller coasters and stuff. I just it makes me sick.

So I've actually never been on a roller coaster and like, I can't do any that's got any, like, loop. So like, you know, like the Evel Knievel or it's renamed now. Yeah. It's one that's been built in the last ten years or so. Maybe it's been about fifteen years, but it's just like an up and down and around. But there's no like loops. I cannot do loops at Six Flags.

I remember going there a lot as a kid. I don't think I've been since I was on high school, but I have such great snippets of. Memories and one I remember I'm not even sure if this is my first time at Six Flags or was like one of the first few when I was real little, the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie had just came out. So they had a Robin Hood stunt show. Oh, and I was so into Robin Hood at the time. I still am that movie. It's a special place and I don't think I've ever seen it.

I have a weird love for that movie. I have it on VHS, DVD and Blu ray director's cut. No, no, no.

And oh, I have a tote of action figures from that movie in their package. That's awesome. Yeah. If I could go back and just relive the magic of seeing Six Flags for the first time as a kid, because you're smaller and everything is bigger and it's new and you don't care so much about the lines because you're just so wrapped up in the excitement.

I wish I could have that moment again that Bakool, neither of my parents were into like roller coasters and stuff. So I've only been to six, like, twice my entire life and neither are the times I read. I guess you could call one of the rides. It was that Tony Hawk spin or whatever is OK. It was a ride that was only there for a couple of years and I hated it and I wanted off of it as soon as I got onto it. I don't know why I let my friends convince me to get on there and I regretted it. But I've really never rode a ride besides, like, carnival rides, I guess. But those are nothing. Yeah. All right. So here's my sad one. And I don't want to say on it too long, but my last Christmas with my parents together, I was. I get it. Yeah.

I've been there and also have divorced parents, so. Yeah, I get that one. Before I get to my last one, I want to throw in an honorable mention and that is Red Dead Redemption, not the newest one. Not worthy of redemption too, but the last one, Red Dead Redemption for PlayStation three. Yeah, there's a moment in that game where the borders in the game open up and you're allowed to finally go to Mexico. And it plays this like sad lonesome song as your character is just riding through the country of Mexico. And it's very cinematic and amazing people who have played the game. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's just a very special moment in the game. I wish I could have that moment again.

That is a pretty good one. And like the red dead universe, like all other games are so well done.

Yeah, I'm going to see if I can find that clip and put it in our show notes so people can see what I'm talking about because it's just perfect. Like it's a game transcending just being a video game and turning into art.

See, I think at that point it's also kind of special because you played the game to get to that point. Yeah. Why don't we go with your last one the day we brought Skadi home. Oh, so we got my dog at eight weeks old from my boyfriend's and the the accidental on purpose puppies. And she's an amazing dog. She really is. And bringing home her home the first day and her just being a part of our lives for the last, uh, she's two, almost two and a half now. So bring her home and have her here. And I just miss my puppy being a little puppy.

And now she's got a big head and she's thick with Aoki's.

She's bigger, but she's still cute. She's got this sad puppy dog look on her face all the time. It's a little endearing.

So look, that he's talking about is like she gives this look like she does something absolutely terrible. But you don't know what yet.

Even if there isn't anything, she's just like giving you this look of just like I'm sorry, Mom, with a slight hint of confusion, as if she doesn't know what you're doing and I don't get it.

Yeah, she's a pretty puppy. I love seeing her when I come over, uh, my last one, this memory was the inspiration for this entire segment because it is so ridiculous.

Is this something that involved me? Oh, no. OK, because I was thinking that it had to do with me first work.

No, but we will explain that real quick of Emily has this habit of like her joints just give out and she just collapses into a puddle on the ground.

So at work we are rounding the corner, going up to one of the front desks. And it was me and Dan and a couple other people that don't work there anymore. And we're all talking. And before I even knew it, my knee and my ankle both gave out and I hit the ground and I it was like one of those I was. Laughing so hard, I was crying and our friend April was laughing because she was the one behind me.

Yeah, I didn't realize what happened at first.

I just turned around like Emily disappeared because I was behind you and you had walked around to the counter to the computer and I hit the ground before the counter. Just because you're going to say something to me.

Yeah, you just disappear.

I look down like we never know I got you.

No, no. This one is actually an experience in a movie theater that was just so surreal.

And I did hear you talking about now I wish I had it on film to relive every single day of my life. And this experience was when I went to go see Live Free or Die Hard, the fourth film in that franchise. And it's an OK movie. It's not great. It's not terrible. It's fun. But the way I saw it, it was in a theater almost by myself because it was the same weekend that the first Transformers came out. So everybody's going to that theater. Oh, wow. Yeah, I had this theater almost to myself until two other people came in and sat directly behind me and Die Hard Four became the greatest comedy of all time because the movie starts and these two people were talking to each other one more than the other. And normally this would piss me off because I cannot stand people who talk in the movie theater. But I very quickly catch on to what's happening. One of these people is visually impaired. And even though I think the technology is out there for them to have like descriptive audio for whatever reason where this theater didn't have it, I don't know. They brought a friend to describe die hard for to them as they watch it. And it's a very strange movie to have narrated to you as you're watching it. It's an action movie. So it's over the top at times. But you just roll with it because it's one of those movies. It becomes something completely different when you're hearing somebody describe how ridiculous it is while you're watching it.

I just wish I could experience that as well.

So this is kind of how this experience goes. You know, sitting there watching the movie starts off slow like any action movie. They got set up all the beats, all the moving parts. And then you get to the first real action sequence. Blind guy is like, OK, what's what's going on now? I hear some gunfire was a little explosion. Oh, OK. So what happened was John McClane just ripped a fire extinguisher off a wall and used it to shoot a guy out of a window.

Guy's like, OK, that's the John McClane I remember from the older movies. Yeah, that's why I came to this movie for.

So also makes me wonder at that point if the guy had vision at one point.

Yeah, I wondered this too, because the whole thing was weird. And this isn't in any way knocking blind people. It just seemed odd to go to an action oriented movie less heavy on dialogue when you can't see it than the movie. It goes on and it's an action movie. So it's always upping the ante. So eventually there's another action sequence.

It's a little over the top, whatever. And then I hear it described to me what's going on again, because poor guy can't see what's going on, what's happening. But yeah, so there's this helicopter trying to kill him and he's in a tunnel, but he's in a police car and oh, he just rammed the police car out of the end of the tunnel and killed the helicopter with the police car and he like fell out of the police car to safety. But then there was this huge explosion in the helicopter just gone.

I feel like I need to see this movie with this guy describing it for me.

You haven't lived until you've had Die Hard four described to you as if you're blind.

Also the fact that. OK, so about how many people do you think were in the theater? It was just us three. OK, the fact that they came and sat directly behind you is the weirdest part.

Yeah, I'm glad they did though. Yeah. So he describes this cop car ripping out of the tunnel, taking out the helicopter, an explosion and then the bad guy, you know, pakoras out of the helicopter to safety. And I get to hear this described in the the poor blind guy is like, OK, there's a little over the top, but I mean, it's a die hard movie. I'll just go with it.

He said that roughly something along those lines of like as this movie is going on, it's becoming more and more ridiculous. So every time there's an action sequence, this poor guy's a little more incredulous.

So finally, you get to the climax of the movie and John McClane is in a big rig truck, OK, he's chasing the bad guys. So this is what I get to hear described to this poor blind guy. It's like, OK, man, what's going on? Right. So John McLeans in this big rig truck and he's chasing the bad guys because the guy's daughter and they hacked into the military's computer systems and they've redirected a jet to intercept and kill John McClane. And OK, now the jet's on scene and it's firing missiles at him. And he's in a big rig truck dodging these missiles because, you know, that's the most maneuverable vehicle you've ever seen is a big rig truck. Yeah. So the bad guys are of split off because he's distracted by this jet and goes up on this overpass and now it's shooting out the overpass from underneath them.

All the trucks going to collapse to the ground and John McClane is going to fall to his death. Oh, no, wait a minute. He jumped out of the truck and he's landed on the jet and. I guess he's going to fist fight the jet.

He said it is a question.

Yeah, the guy's like, dude, you promised me you were gonna take this seriously. I'm not going to keep going to the movies with you if you're not going to actually tell me what's going on.

The boyfriend's like, so is this what actually happened in the movie? Yes. This is what happens if this fighter jet close enough.

I need to see these movies.

So his friends like. No, seriously, dude, he's like on the wing of this jet with no other weapons. Like, basically all he has is bare hands to fight this jet. And, you know, like I was just like, dude, you got some line. Tell me what's going on in the movie was an explosion.

So I guess he won the fight, but that plane blew up pretty good.

Oh, jeez. The movie, like, wraps up after that.

But like you said, you haven't truly lived until you've heard a movie that ridiculous where a guy in a fist fighting in a jet described to a black guy who's just trusting someone to not be lied to about what's going on in this movie.

Well, the crazy thing about those movies is they start out, he's just like down to earth, a cop who, like, bleeds. And by this movie, he's still bleeding a lot, but he's falling from great heights and fist fighting jets and not dying ever.

So basically, he turned into the die hard franchise Terminator basically.

Yeah. Like, in fact, that chase where he's just running them down in this big red truck, like it could be a scene of a Terminator movie.

Maybe Bruce Willis is the Terminator.

I'm starting to wonder if it's not the same character from the unbreakable movies. He just relocated, went to witness protection. I haven't seen those either. His super power in those movies is unbreakable, like he can't be hurt.

So it's kind of like Wolverine where they take him to like that secret government facility and turn them like just films by adamantium.

Might as well be. But yeah, that is the greatest moment in my life that I wish I could relive over and over and over again. Is hearing Die Hard four describe to a blind person as I was just I wish I could have experienced that as well.

Everyone should be moving on. We think it would be a great idea to go to our website Kaura and get some topics to discuss.

For anybody that didn't hear the earlier episode where we were discussing Quora, it's just a question and answer site. You go on post a question can be anonymous if you want to get some, sometimes great, sometimes not so great answers. I went through and found some questions of people just asking for different types of advice, most of them serious, at least one funny. And I thought we'd go through and see if we could do our best to give people some good advice, we think. All right, let's do it. OK, this one is definitely a question for you to answer, but I'm interested in your answer. What is the best advice you can give to a 17 year old girl?

I think on that one for a second. It's just any kind of advice.

Yeah. You know, if you had to pick one piece of advice to give to a 17 year old girl, who would be part of it is don't grow up too fast.

You're 17. You have your whole life in front of you do things in your youth that are fun and you want to do. But don't jump to something serious too fast. You have your entire twenties to figure out what you want to do. And that's one of the hardest things. And it's really for any either gender or any gender is out there. You have your whole life ahead of you don't fall in love too early. That is one thing I made a mistake in, not in my relationship now, because Mikey and I have been together since I was seventeen. But there was a kid I dated in very early and I was in love and that ended really messy. And so I guess that's really why kids say is to fall in love, don't grow up too fast.

That's going. I think if I had to give just advice to any, you know, late teens, it would be if you plan on going to college, which most people do, at least to some degree these days, the most important lessons you will learn at college are not going to be in the classroom. Live your life experience, new things, experience dealing with people you may not always agree with, but they can expand your horizons by exposing you to new ideas.

Yes, college is a great way to, like, be open minded. Yeah, especially in this day and age. Open mindedness. It needs to be looked upon more and the experiences that you have. If you go to a college, whether it's two year, four year, try make those the best years that you can. And also on the college thing, you don't have to go to a four year university. You don't have to go to college. Vocational schools are so needed right now. It's coming from me. I went to a community college and it was the best decision I ever made. I don't have a four year degree. I have my two year associate's degree and I've never been happier.

Definitely, if you're going to college, have discussions with people that have different opinions from you. You know, you can learn from other people and they can learn from you just have civil discussions. That's all I got to say. Next one, why does my boyfriend always want to see me upset and stresses me out by trashing the stuff I love, like my bike? First off, he's not your boyfriend. He's a dick.

Also, how old are you now? Not everybody has a car and you could live in the city if you have a bike. But why is he trashing your bike? And Dan's right like he's not your boyfriend. Get out now, because trashing your bike could lead to something serious later on.

If he's not enriching your life and he's just causing you more pain than. Yeah, just find someone better. There's more guys out there that will treat you so much better. That one was a simple one to answer. But, you know, I thought somebody might need to hear that. My friend ignored me for three hours straight while I was having a crisis. I saw she was online for at least an hour. Am I wrong for being mad?

Yes and no. Sometimes people don't know how to handle certain situations, and sometimes it's better for them not to give their opinion if it's just going to make you feel worse. I mean, that's just my opinion. Yes, it would be helpful for somebody to talk to and maybe maybe send like a text saying, hey, I just need to rant. You don't need to reply, but I just need to get something out. But if they're like, I've seen this before and like, not everybody is equipped to handle certain situations and also to keep in mind you don't know what they're going through for what they're doing either.

For all you know, they're not in a place where they can stop and talk to you or they're having their own crisis or for, you know, there's another friend that's already having a crisis that they're talking to be understanding of. You don't know other people's realities are you only know what yours is.

Yeah. It's like I can understand why they're upset because their friends are applying, but maybe maybe they'll come back and talk to you eventually. But like what Dan says, they might have something going on, too.

Yeah. And if you want to reach someone right away, give them a phone call. I mean, there's been times Nivan over anything serious, but like you and I have been one of texted the other and the other one just hasn't replied for hours and like, I'll get a response from you. Sorry I didn't see this earlier.

Like, well, I text message at, what, a.m. last night. Oh, I'm so sorry.

Ok, like, I, I don't expect people to be that attached to the phones to give me an instant reply like I if I didn't want to get a hold somebody immediately, which is rare because I don't have that many emergencies, I'll call somebody otherwise get back to me when you can. And you know, there's been times when like, you know, I've been going through emotional stuff and I've texted you often, I don't need anything back. You know, replies are good, but it's more about getting it out. Yeah. Sometimes you just got to get things off your chest.

And I have gone through that, too. It's like some of my girlfriends and thinking I don't want to be a burden on them by putting out my feelings, but I have to get something out.

If I can't talk to Mike about it, then I need to get it out somehow staying with kind of emotional stuff.

This one's interesting and I have opinions on it. I think I have feelings for my best friend's boyfriend. Oh, what should I do? Don't. I'll be more specific on that. That was a little curt. Yeah. The heart wants what the heart wants. You shouldn't feel guilty for having feelings. It's what you do with those feelings. You can act on that. I mean, if you're a good person, you can't. Yeah, I think in this specific scenario, what you have to think about is, OK, maybe the fact that you have these feelings and you're seeing your friend's boyfriend, I'm presuming often that might hurt like the pain of not being able to have that. But you also got to consider, do you have the right to pursue your own happiness if it means sacrificing someone else's? If this person is truly your friend, you want them to be happy and if they're happy with their boyfriend, you shouldn't fuck that up. Yeah, and for all you know, that boyfriend is happy with his girlfriend and you shouldn't fuck that up if you say anything. There's no guarantee that you end up happy with that guy. It's you could ruin your friendship and you could not end up with that. And you could ruin their relationship. So now three people are unhappy. Yeah, sometimes you just gotta deal with those things and do your best to ignore it and move on if it's that big of an issue. If you can't, I think you owe it to your friend if you really care about them, to tell them. Well, I wouldn't if if you can't control it, I think it's better to walk away than to hurt your friend. Yeah. I mean, if you really care about them, then you should, you know, step away from the friendship rather than cause.

I'm sitting here thinking about a little bit too is like, do you have feelings for them or do you have feelings of you want that they might have like this great relationship and you're emotionally invested so much like this is what I want to do, because that's like I'm kind of saying it's like she likes this guy or he I don't know if it was a girl or boy, but they like this guy because they like the way they see their friend treated. Maybe that's true.

And if you're jealous of someone's relationship like that, you do always have to keep in mind you don't know the full reality of that relationship unless you're in it. And that goes the other way, too. Like if you don't think your friend's significant other is always like the best of them, maybe raise some concerns if you think they're truly being hurt. But you don't know what goes on behind closed doors, like you don't know, like how they are with just each other. Like sometimes you got mind your own business. Yeah. Is this just ridiculous? Or my friend refuses to pay me back the 50 cents I lent him. Would it be appropriate to take legal action?

Ok, so say no on this, because this actually happened in reality with a couple people that I know she borrowed, what am I, really good friends bar and fifty cents to get a snack at work. And so now it's at the point where this dude is mostly joking about like so am I going to get my. Well it wasn't fifty cents a quarter so we got a little snack box at work and he goes, so when am I going to get my quarterback? And she's like, you're never seeing that quarter again because she works at another place now. And she's like, yeah, he's not seeing like quarter and it's just a quarter yet.

You do not lend someone fifty cents, you give them fifty cents.

It's pocket change. Like you could probably find fifty cents on the street dude.


That one just got me like it doesn't even sound like you're this like are you guys even friends.

How good of a friend could you be if you're stressing over getting back fifty cents from them.

What issues do you like. It sounds like your issues are a lot bigger if you can't just handle not getting fifty fucking cents.

And that actually is a great segue into the next question. Would you ever give money to a very good friend in trouble without asking him to pay you back?

Depends on how much. And I hate to say that, but like if I have a friend that's in trouble, I would do as much as I can to help them. But it also depends on my financial situation, too. I could give a little here and there, but I can't give a significantly large amount.

Yeah, I would. I think I have a reputation. As with perfect strangers, I'm not particularly caring or generous. No, I would have never guessed. But I like to think I'm generous with my friends, the people that are in my closest circle. I try to take care of them and do whatever I can to help them out.

Hey, Dan and I have five thousand dollars.

I do not have five thousand dollars. But my philosophy on that is if some of my closest friends, including you, were in desperate situation and came and asked me for even a couple hundred bucks, I would give whatever I could.

I mean, see, that's what I'm saying. Like like I said, it has to depend on if I have it to give to you.

And I wouldn't want to have that discussion of when are you going to pay me back? I would not give that money unless I could afford to give it freely and not worry about being paid back, because I don't want to lose a friend over money and asking them and hounding them for money. Yeah, I would give as much as I could if I had two hundred dollars to give, I would trust them to do the right thing and pay me back at some point, but I wouldn't demand it of them. Yeah. And I figure if they're coming to me for money, not that you know, I want my friends to feel like they can't come to me for money, but I'm going to assume I'm not the first person they've gone to like they've gone to family or other people first. So they must really need it if they're coming to me for. So I'm going to do whatever I can.

Yeah, I want to help my friends as much as I possibly can. And if there's other things I can also help with, I will try to do. And I don't want to be that person that's like, oh, pay me back.

Like I say, like pay me back when you can. Like, I don't want to take years to get it back, but like I also want them to get their shit straight.

Out first.

Yeah, you don't want somebody to have to pay you back with their next paycheck and then they're really scraping by for a while, even if it's like 20 bucks at a time, like just when you can financially yourself give it back, that's fine.

I don't want to cause anybody any undue stress or unhappiness by just demanding they pay me back. When I was in college, you know, I had these friends, we'd go out to lunch or dinner. And at that time I had more money than they did so often. You I'd pick up the tab. It wasn't a huge deal. Sometimes they'd pay me back sometimes. And I never asked for I was just like, you don't want friends to me. It's worth more to me to spend this time and have this good time with you than it is to keep that money in my pocket.

Yeah. The thing is, I've actually been in this kind of situation but flipped and like, I don't want to, like, go too much into it. But I have borrowed money and I have been demanded to pay it back fast to somebody very close to me. And it made me stressed because I couldn't pay her back and the tiling and or she wanted. And then that caused some arguments and out and regain. And it's hard.

Yeah. You shouldn't let money come between friends. If you can't give the money without it becoming a problem, then you're better off not doing it and your friend shouldn't hate you for not doing so.


So moving on to our next segment, we're going to talk about some really dumb state laws and the United States. Yeah, I'm excited. So my first one is Nevada. X-rays to determine shoe size can get you arrested. And this is the state where prostitution is legal, the only state where prostitution is legal. And that's its own separate thing.

And X-rays can get you arrested of people's feet. What are they selling it to? Wicky feet to the rest of it is because of radiation and the cause. Radiation from X-rays can cost people. So using X-rays unlawfully can get arrested.

And I feel like you really don't need an X-ray to properly. You said this was for shoes.

Yes. To determine shoe size.

Like, there's so many different ways you can scan a foot that doesn't require.

I just want to know, like, are people breaking into people's houses and just X-ray their feet while it's sleeping?

Portable X-ray machine.

They put that lead vest over them first, sleep tight and tuck you in with the leg blanket, tuck you.

It's just a weighted blanket.

And I've got the weirdest sleep paralysis these days.

I hear about these people waking up to see this old hag, but I see these people with like an X-ray machine and they're only focused on my foot. My first one. This is what I immediately thought of when you suggested stupid laws. New Jersey is the only state in the country now where you can't pump your own gas legally. A gas station attendant has to come and pump your gas for you. I think California does that, too. Up until recently, Oregon did it and they've passed a law where there's certain circumstances now where people can pump their own gas. I think largely you're still not supposed to. But in rural counties where it's late at night, they don't want people running out of gas. You can do it. But New Jersey is just flat out. It's too dangerous. You can't pump your own gas.

And that's what blows my mind, because we're we're from like everybody, no matter your age, gender, whatever, you learn to pump your own gas. And so that's like really hard to wrap your head around.

Yeah, I was on a road trip a few years ago and encountered a lady who needed me to help her pump her gas because she couldn't figure it out. That blows my mind. And she was a good twenty, thirty years older than me. I mean, how do you pump gas? I remember when the Oregon law allowing people to do some of their own pumping went into effect. There was a lot of people up in arms in Oregon of like, this is dangerous. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I don't want to go to work smelling like gasoline, the dumbest shit ever. How often do you spill gasoline? You know, you're still pumping gas to the fact that you have to worry about smell.

Oh, it's like those white people infomercials, because white people are just really fucking stupid, apparently. And that's coming from a white female. I know. Well, infomercials are.

You're talking like the popcorn. What did he just throws it behind them through the glass.

Just complete idiots and klutziness just. Oh, yeah, well, you do. So I'm imagining in my head they're like taking the nozzle out and they're just like who they grab and just just going everywhere.

Kills me that people were that worried about what they would do. Did these people never travel to another state where they would have to pump their own gas? How do you live your entire life without leaving state at all?

News flash, you take the plug out of your car if it has one, because some of the newer ones don't you put the nozzle part in. After you select your gas, you pull the trigger and it magically goes into your car.

People, you get better gas mileage if you smoke while you're pumping, though not true. Don't do it.

Don't do it. Don't do it. I will just leave that hanging.

But I don't want somebody I do know people who are afraid, like they if they see the tanker at a gas station, they need gas and they need it bad. Yet they'll know it and move on to wherever they're going next because I mean, it is dangerous. Like, you shouldn't be pumping your gas when a tanker is filling up the caverns because, like, they can explode. So, like, I do understand that fear, but like, you write it on you and, you know, open that gas station. Yeah. At least maybe just sit there until they're done. Yeah. What's your next on New Hampshire as a nineteen seventy three? It is illegal to carry or collect seaweed at night. OK, breaking most of the general provisions about fish and game will land you in violation. SeeWhy it is used as fertilizer and feed good source of alginate. You. Oh it's a thicker texture than Jela. I thought I was saying that they use it in some nasty gelo. Yeah. So don't carry seaweed at night.

Ok, that's good to know about this one. Kentucky. Their state constitution requires state officials and lawyers in the state to swear that they've never been in a duel. It gets better. Oh, and in 1998 they passed a law expanding that to make it a requirement for first responders as well. What I get, the fact that it's in the Constitution because it's such an old constitution and they were worried about, you know, people doing and killing each other like that, it seems like something you would repeal eventually, but to expand it in recent years when nobody's duling, do you?

Right. OK, so when I think of Dooling, I think of not only Romeo and Juliet, but like Leonardo DiCaprio, Romeo and Juliet and just the gunfight on the beach.

Do you bite your thumb at the Bronx? I enjoy that movie.

That is a girl who is crazy. Like I think at one point something like let me grab my saber and that like does a close up of a gun with the word saber just inscribed on the side.

But the fact that it is done word for word, Shakespearean style in modern times is just magnificent.

I have that. I need to watch it sometime soon. Yeah. I just love that. I would like to see somebody getting sworn in, just hold up their hand, be like, oh, excuse me. Does this include banjoes or what?

If somebody has been a competitive fencer, does that count? Is it only to the death?

That is a good question. That's such a strange law. My next one comes from California. A frog that dies and they frog jumping contest cannot be eaten.

Ok, I would argue that a frog should not be under any circumstances.

Yeah, I don't understand frog legs.

Yeah, I've had them. They're not that great.

I've never had them. But there is one place I think down by the river. Yeah I know where you're talking about. That's where I've had them. My dad loved them.

Yeah. I just don't get it. So I only have to say on that one. Yeah. OK, this one is also in Kentucky. OK, Kentucky. So I didn't even know this was a thing. But apparently you can buy baby chicks and ducks around Easter that had been dyed a different color. Yeah, it's really weird. When I was reading it, apparently, like they inject it into like the still incubating age or something. Well, or sometimes they just rub it on after they're born. Took weird and just sounds cruel anyway.

Yes, very. But in Kentucky you can't do this unless you do it to sell in quantities of six or more because it's animal cruelty. But animal cruelty is always better in bulk quantities. I don't understand.

Doesn't make any sense.

If it's illegal, then why is there you shouldn't be doing this to these baby chicks unless you're doing it to a lot of them at one time. I wonder if Trump has considered that as a justification for like the treatment of children at the border?

Guys, you don't understand. I'm doing it to six or more at a time. It's not cruel anymore with the hands.

Yes. This this this hands specifically.

I'm not just doing it to one kid. I'm doing it to crowds of kids. And let me tell you, these crowds are huge. You this has nothing to do with that, but I get so annoyed every time I hear him say China. I just never understood. Is he deliberately saying that we showed just how he's.

I think that's just how he says it. But, like, I cannot stand listening to him anyways just because I can't.

And even if it's because politically I'm middle of the road, like I can go either way on different issues. So there's times when theoretically I agree with what he's saying, but I cannot listen to him talk because he sounds so unintelligent. So what is your next one?

Idaho. This is a good one. Cannibalism is prohibited and punishable up to 14 years in prison, but it's OK to willingly ingest the flesh and blood of a human in a life or death situation for survival. One What kind of life or death situation are you getting in Idaho?

I would imagine that goes back to like settler days. I don't I think this is recent, though. I mean, I can still see a scenario. Have you ever seen the movie alive?

Is that the rugby team in the mountains?

I know what you're talking about, but no, I have not seen that true story of just this rugby team. Their plane crashed and they survived by eating their dead. It's a fascinating story of survival and also heartbreaking if you read into how to eat your friend. Well, not only that, but they made a pact of they will not talk about which ones because it's not like they ingested every single one of their friends. But just as a group they won't talk about. We ate this person because we wanted that person's family doesn't want to hear about that. But also that would be traumatic.

You would never they're psychologically just fucked up for the rest of their life because of that. But like, I also want to know, what life and death situations are you getting into in Idaho?

I don't know. I've never been to Idaho. There might be some really unpopulated areas, I guess.

I actually think I saw a article about that when I was looking for these stupid laws. And if I remember right, that's the only state where it's actually in the books that you can't cannibalize. It is just understood in other places. Oh, yeah. That at least that's what I saw online. I was like, that can't be true. They claim it was. But my next one was actually a local law for Columbus, Georgia. OK, it's illegal to fly a gas powered model plane and city limits except for two places.

One, you can do it on your own private property or other private property where it's been authorized by that owner to on county property adjacent to the county morgue. But, yes, that's in the law. OK, you can't fly these model airplanes with their gas powered engines unless you're on your own private property or you can do it next to the morgue.

I want to know how that law got made.

I was trying to find this more on Google Maps. Maybe there's a park next door or something. And that was the easiest way of describing it because they weren't sure if the name of the park would change. But it's really weird and got me thinking of imagine the medical examiners are just trying to perform an autopsy, just constantly getting buzzed. It's just a building shakes every time that he's going to make that. Why incision in the person's chest? Just crack open the chest, just get buzz. He's like God damn kids. Oh. I messed up. Is it like Top Gun where they want to buzz the tower so they call the morgue permission to buzz the tower? Sorry, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full and then they do it anyway. But I just thought that was such a ridiculous thing that all along that one is really weird.

And I like this just random. Yeah. Like to the specifics that it's to that place only. Yeah. That's weird. So my last two or. Illinois. Oh and West Virginia. So Illinois is urban legend says it's a crime to possess more than six hundred dollars and Salamander's which is roughly seventy five or more Salamander's reality. It's illegal to have aquatic life over six hundred dollars if captured or killed in violation to the law. But Salamander's with a weird urban legend. I don't know. Illinois had Salamander's. I don't know if I've ever seen one. My last one, which is probably my favorite. This is from West Virginia. You cannot substitute a hunting dog for a ferret.

Anyone who hunts, kills, catches, any wild animal or bird with a ferret will be fined one hundred and no more than five hundred dollars and ten to no more than one hundred days in jail.

So there's people out there that don't think their hunting dog would be good enough that they want to use a ferret instead.

Ferrets aren't even that big.

I feel like a ferret wouldn't be that easy to train. No, you just take it out hunting.

God damn it, I lost my Ferreti just a pack of ferrets on leads.

Thought this was going to go much differently. OK, yeah, that's all we have to say about all the weirdest laws we found from around the country for this episode.

You want to wrap this up? Yeah. Let's get to my favorite part, Urban Dictionary word of the day. And in this case, it's words of the day because a dirty one of them is actually they both kind of are OK, good.

I always love one the more drink.

So when I was on there today, I found one and then I was like, I'm just going to scan these other ones. And I found another one that I just loved. The second one you'll really like. OK, the first one is called Snow Dropper, OK, a person who steals women's underwear off a clothesline and masturbates to him.

You saw my eyes go back. I knew exactly where you're going to make deals with like, oh man, no.

Ok, my second one is called five dive. Do you just want to take a guess at this one?

Anything to do with the number of digits on a hand? No. OK, then no.

I got the act of a stripper picking up a folded five dollar bill off a paying man's face and or friend with her vagina.

Is that even legal? I don't go to school in the state of Nevada.

I don't think at strip clubs that supposed to be exposed, somebody is doing some powerful fucking Cagle's.

You joke about that, but there's people that pick up weird things with that.

Well, you know, there's a woman that is in the Guinness Book of World Records because she hung like weights off of her vagina lips. Oh, yeah. I think that a good place to awkwardly in the show.

That's typically the way we do it.

All right, everybody, thank you for tuning in this week. As always, we appreciate any subscriptions, ratings and reviews. Right now, we would really appreciate if you'd share the show with your friends. Help our audience grow a little more.

Yeah, yeah. Doo doo doo. And for any other updates for a show, you can visit us at My Kajiggers Podcast on Facebook or follow the link in our show notes and always be sure to say hi, leave comments. Always tell us what you want to hear. And we're always up for suggestions on things that we should talk about. That's going to be all for today. Bye, Felicia. Felicia.

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Ep. 6: Cologne Does Not Replace a Shower


Ep. 4: Give Yourself a Hand